Binary machinery

A personal website / portfolio / blog about game development

Apr 5, 2021

How to write your own compiler and executor for mathematical expressions

Let's talk about infix, prefix and postfix notations, abstract syntax trees, and how to convert a human-readable expression into a computer-digestible form.

Feb 3, 2021

How to solve the Secret Santa Problem using graph theory

Let's talk about graphs, Hamiltonian cycles, NP-problems, and backtracking search.

May 28, 2020

How mods are made for Unity games
Chapter 2: How to write a mod in C#

How to write a mod for a Unity game using C#, a decompiler, and Harmony, a powerful modding library used in RimWorld, Battletech, Cities: Skylines, and many other games

May 21, 2020

How mods are made for Unity games
Chapter 1: Inject mods into a game’s code

How to inject mods into a Unity game using game and engine libraries modification, DLL input address table hooking, DLL proxying, and Mono Runtime hijacking.